We moved the existing chicken coop from a closed corner to the center of an open area and used a smooth curved white metal fence to gently create a concave field under the Taiwan Golden-rain tree. By connecting the big trees, the food garden, and the composting space.In this ohm-shaped chicken coop fence, children can observe lives of the chicken closely, from the chicken name cards, egg racks, feeding, one can interact with the chicken. This resmebles the connection between life.
Project Ω


Miaoli, Taiwan
Yuchen Chao Photography
We moved the existing chicken coop from a closed corner to the center of an open area and used a smooth curved white metal fence to gently create a concave field under the Taiwan Golden-rain tree. By connecting the big trees, the food garden, and the composting space.In this ohm-shaped chicken coop fence, children can observe lives of the chicken closely, from the chicken name cards, egg racks, feeding, one can interact with the chicken. This resmebles the connection between life.
Louis Kahn說:「學校」始於一個人在樹下分享,其他人則專心聆聽他的思想。若教與學的空間原型源自於一個提供遮蔭的場所,人們在蔭下分享所知;從此想法出發,期許提供一處讓老師、孩童和雞群在樹下,與自然共學的場域,創造「行動、觀察、體驗、紀錄」的參與式教學。
We moved the existing chicken coop from a closed corner to the center of an open area and used a smooth curved white metal fence to gently create a concave field under the Taiwan Golden-rain tree. By connecting the big trees, the food garden, and the composting space.In this ohm-shaped chicken coop fence, children can observe lives of the chicken closely, from the chicken name cards, egg racks, feeding, one can interact with the chicken. This resmebles the connection between life.