Themed "Reconstructing," the installation design features a wire mesh framework shaping ethereal walls filled with recycled glass crystals. Light penetrating the glass creates a visual of incomplete walls, blurring the line between solidity and illusion. By repetitively stacking basic elements, an original, intense spatial atmosphere emerges. Waving, a phenomenon showcasing unique patterns in the natural world, embodies "natural order" and "mathematical principles" beneath aesthetics. In this installation, waves symbolize cycles, perpetual dynamics, and respond to temporal changes from disintegration to reassembly.
Project WAVE

裝置設計以「重構秩序」為題,用鐵絲網圍塑虛的牆體,牆體內部塡充回收的玻璃晶體。光線穿透玻璃晶體進入內部,虛虛實實、似牆又非牆的視覺感呈現牆體的不完整。通過以基本元素重複堆疊, 一種原始並強烈的空間氛圍得以形成。
Project WAVE
Themed "Reconstructing," the installation design features a wire mesh framework shaping ethereal walls filled with recycled glass crystals. Light penetrating the glass creates a visual of incomplete walls, blurring the line between solidity and illusion. By repetitively stacking basic elements, an original, intense spatial atmosphere emerges.
Waving, a phenomenon showcasing unique patterns in the natural world, embodies "natural order" and "mathematical principles" beneath aesthetics. In this installation, waves symbolize cycles, perpetual dynamics, and respond to temporal changes from disintegration to reassembly.
Taipei, Taiwan