This project involves renovating an old house that is over 30 years old. The original layout had a peculiar configuration, and the goal was to reorganize the layout within a limited budget and adjust the proportions of the space. The aim was to reshape the flow and rhythm of the space through proportional adjustments in the layout. By incorporating glass partitions, a visually bright effect is created within the space. The curved ceiling design serves to break the rigid spatial domain and also soften the tone of the space.
House T

本案為屋齡30多年中古屋 ,原格局配置奇異,在有限的預算下進行格局整理,調整空間比例,期望藉由格局的比例調整,重塑空間的流動韻律感。
House T
This project involves renovating an old house that is over 30 years old. The original layout had a peculiar configuration, and the goal was to reorganize the layout within a limited budget and adjust the proportions of the space. The aim was to reshape the flow and rhythm of the space through proportional adjustments in the layout.
By incorporating glass partitions, a visually bright effect is created within the space. The curved ceiling design serves to break the rigid spatial domain and also soften the tone of the space.
Taipei, Taiwan
Sung Han image